Wybrane dialogi i teksty z filmu.
Howard Saint: You killed my son!
John Saint: [wewnątrz klubu] No!
Frank Castle: Both of them.
Howard Saint: Make Castle dead!
Joan: What makes you any different from them?
The Punisher: They have something to lose.
Joan: Where will you be?
The Punisher: You'll know, read your paper every morning.
Joan: Which section?
The Punisher: The obituaries. (Nekrologi)
Candelaria: Vaya con Dios, Castle. Go with God.
Frank Castle: God's going to sit this one out.
The Punisher: Out the window.
The Punisher: Get up. Wheel the money out.
Joan: I know what it's like. I know what it's like to make your memories go away. You can make new memories; good ones. Good memories can save your life.
The Punisher: I'm not what your lookin' for.
The Punisher: Howard Saint!
Frank Castle: [rzuca zdjęcia] I made you kill your best friend.
[rzuca kolczyk]
Frank Castle: I made you kill your wife.
Frank Castle: Now I'm gonna kill you.
Harry Heck: You are one dumb son of a bitch. Bringing a knife to a gunfight.
[Były facet Joan's próbuje wejść do jej mieszkania późną nocą, wreszcząc i waląc w drzwi. Kiedy Facet zaczyna czepiać się Dave'a. Frank przychodzi z pomocą]
Frank: Get out.
Man: Or what?
[Facet wyciąga nóż i zaczyna się nim popisywać ]
Man: What are you gonna do, huh? What are you gonna...
[Frank szybko uderza go w twarz i zabiera nóż ,którym teraz on zaczyna wykonywać różne zakręcone ruchy ,aż w końcu uderza go ponownie w głowę jego własnym nożem]
Frank: You shouldn't play with knives.
The Punisher: Those who do evil to others will come to know me well.
Frank Castle: Si vis pacem, para bellum. If you want peace, prepare for war.
Frank Castle: I'm fine.
[patrzy na martwego Rosjanina]
Frank Castle: He's not.
Harry Heck: I wrote that for you. I'm gonna sing it at your funeral.
Frank Castle: In certain..."extreme" situations, the law is inadequate. In order to shame its inadequacy, it is necessary to act outside the law. To pursue... natural justice. This is not vengeance. Revenge is not a valid motive, it's an emotional response. No. Not vengeance. This, is punishment.
Spacker Dave: You are insignificant. You, are a coward. You, are a great disappointment to your mother and I!
Spacker Dave: [przyciska guziki i kręci się na krześle. Zbliżenie kamery na rywala z gre]
Spacker Dave: Yes, die die die! I am the most amazing person in the world!
Frank Castle: Żeby każdy wiedział dlaczego to robię.
Po pierwsze "Si vis pacem, para bellum.",to po łacinie.
Sierżant na obozie,kazał nam to recytować jak modlitwę.
"Si vis pacem, para bellum." - Jeśli chcesz pokoju, gotuj się do wojny.
The Punishment Begins April 16, 2004 - Hasło reklamujące film.